[meteorite-list] Fraud or Stolen meteorites in Tucson ???

JKGwilliam h3chondrite at cox.net
Thu Feb 8 16:15:33 EST 2007

I agree with you whole-heatedly, Greg.  If, there is any fraud going on in 
this situation I think it is imperative that it be brought to light.  Not 
everyone likes to look at dirty laundry, but circumstances like this can 
affect a great number of people.



At 08:24 PM 2/7/2007, Greg Hupe wrote:
>Hello Peter, Mike and List Members,
>In light of what has been said publicly and privately regarding the "stolen"
>meteorites and Allan and Iris Lang's meteorite auction, lets examine this
>very carefully.
>Mike Farmer earlier today announced that the three meteorites which Achim
>Karl bid on and won at the live Lang auction on Saturday, February 3rd were
>stolen. Mike did this in order to help the Lang's and Achim so we, as a
>community, could try to find the described meteorite specimens and the
>"culprits" who perpetrated the "theft". The Monday after the auction (two
>days ago), Achim went to pay for and take possession of the three lots he
>won and was told in front of several well known and respected List and IMCA
>Member witnesses by Allan and Iris Lang that the three auctions he won were
>stolen. These auctions were; Bjurbole Lot #6 14.89 grams with old museum
>labels, Gorlovka Lot # 19  2.79 grams with old museum labels and Luotolax
>Lot # 34 3.2 grams.
>Peter Marmet then posted to the List an email he received from Iris Lang on
>Monday (see below) that he won four auctions. Two of these listed are the
>very same auction specimens that Achim was told the same day in front of the
>witnesses were "stolen". I was told the third "stolen" specimen was sold to
>another very well respected collector for more than twice the hammer price
>it "sold" for at the live auction. How can they be stolen and then re-sold
>on the same day??
>To clear up any rumors or otherwise, I think it is in the best interest of
>the entire meteorite collecting community to know the final hammer price of
>the three "stolen" lots Achim won. Since this was a live auction similar to
>Michael Blood's, all who attended would know of any absentee bidding and the
>final hammer price whether the bidder was there in person or an absentee
>I think it would also be a good idea for Peter and the other winner to speak
>up here in public because it sounds to me like they have been unknowingly
>taken advantage of and should announce any wrong doing. This is no time to
>be quiet by what looks like a disgusting abuse of trust and a gross display
>of greed!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Peter Marmet" <p.marmet at mysunrise.ch>
>To: "Meteoritenliste" <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 5:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Stolen meteorites in Tucson ???
> > WHAT???
> >
> > This is the e-mail that I got from Iris Lang on Monday:
> >
> >
> > rockman at twcny.rr.com wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Original Message:
> >> Dear Peter Marmet,
> >>
> >> You won the following bids at the Tucson auction:
> >>
> >> Lot # 6  Bjurbole  14.89 grams   for $....
> >>
> >> Lot # 34 Luotolax  3.2 grams for  $....
> >>
> >> Lot # 38 Mighei  0.69 grams for $....
> >>
> >> Lot # 52 Quenggouk  2.9 grams  for $....
> >>
> >> Allan will be home within a week.  Please e-mail him to make
> >> arrangments
> >> for payment.
> >> You can pay by credit card or check.  Please add shipping and
> >> handling cost.
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Iris Lang
> >> http://www.nyrockman.com
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > Michael Farmer wrote:
> >
> >> I want to inform the list about 3 stolen meteorite
> >> from the Al Lang Auction in Tucson.
> >> Achim Karl was the high bidder on 3 meteorites which
> >> were stolen from the display cases just after the
> >> auction. They are:
> >> Bjurbole, Lot #6 14.89 grams with old museum labels.
> >> Gorlovka, Lot # 19  2.79 grams with old museum labels.
> >> and Luotolax, Lot # 34. 3.2 grams.
> >>
> >> These are rare items which the photos can be seen on
> >> Al Langs website
> >> www.nyrockman.com/tucson-auction-2007.htm
> >>
> >>
> >> Anyone seeing these pieces for sale or who has any
> >> inoformation can contact myself or Achim Karl (the
> >> rightful owner) at achimkarl at aol.com
> >>
> >> Many other meteorites were also stolen in Tucson,
> >> Mohammed again lost around 50-60 kilos of complete
> >> stones, and Karl Sprich from South Africa lost many
> >> kilos of Gibeon slices and a large Campo del Cielo
> >> with a natural hole.
> >>
> >> ______________________________________________
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> >>
> >
> > ______________________________________________
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> >
>Meteorite-list mailing list
>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com

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