[meteorite-list] More Muck from Darren

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 24 14:20:24 EDT 2007

Hi all - 

I see that rather than discussing how the new holocene
start impactites may be marketed, Darren wants to 
persist in insulting my book, without having bothered
himself to read it.

You here who acquired my book at the Tucson show know
its quality and the special care that I took in
dealing with Native American oral traditions, so I
hope you will indulge me a few bytes here to defend my
character and my work: Darren, if you bothered to buy
yourself a copy of my book, you would not be making a
FOOL of yourself by making unfounded statements. 

Sadly Darren is not the only one, he's simply the
obvious one. The others involved in this are more

Returning again to Paul's insults, some of you may
have noticed that buried deep among them was Paul's
concession that the deposits which were studied later
were not exactly the same as those deposits which
Hibbens saw exposed by the hydaulic mining operation,
the same hydraulic operation which destroyed them.  

Hibbens may have seen a limited riverine fossil
deposit exactly analogous to the much earlier riverine
fossil deposit at Dinosaur National Park in Utah. The
only way of determining this would be to go to other
contemporaneous records of what he saw. 

Since I don't have the resources to do this, my
apologies to Hibbens, but I will simply drop my
citation of his observations in future editions of
"Man and Impact in the Americas", and instead cite the
current work of the Holocene Impact Working Group.

As far as Paul's denial of pre-Clovis peopling of the
Americas, perhaps one of those you who have read my
book want to drop him a line about the types of
mitochondrial DNA of the First Peoples in the
Or you may prefer to just let him continue to
embarrass himself.

I am sorry that the list has had to witness this
rather disgusting and concerted team effort to slander
me and my work. I hope that my emotions have not
gotten the better of me and that I have not gone
overboard in my responses.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas
Mark Abbott has copies if you want to try a trade, 
or contact me off list for a signed copy
"Geopoetry" - Paul

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

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