[meteorite-list] Meteorical and Planetary Society Meeting

Jerry grf2 at verizon.net
Fri Aug 24 00:35:28 EDT 2007

Dawn and I just returned from Tucson where we attended some of the meetings 
and most of the field trips of the 70th Meteroitical and Planetary Society 
conducted by Drs. A.J. Timothy Jull and David Kring.
Twink Monad invited us to her home where she had assembled Geoff Notkin, 
Anne Black who got to the poster sessions of the meetins, John M.[Excuse me 
John but I never got to write down your name and you've got to admit it's a 
bit of a challenge. John attended some of the meeting and the field trips to 
Meteorite Crater and the Grand Canyon], Jim Kriegh who led us "next door" to 
share his marvelous collection, Larry and Nancy Lebofsky[what a pleasure to 
meet this couple who continue the Meteorite Magazine for all of us] and who 
promised to email me asteroid sighting updates, John Blennert whose 
collection is exhibited at the Flandreau Museum at the University Of Arizona 
as is Jim's and Twink's, and two gentlemen whose names unfortunately escaped 
me[how embarassing].
Twink outdid herself by cooking up some of the best tasting Mexican food we 
enjoyed on the entire two week trip where we sampled many good resturants 
including the oldest family owned Mexican Resturant[1922] in Tucson.
The company was exciting with talk about meteorites dominating the 
conversation of course.
The highlight of the field trips included a hike to the bottom of Meteor 
Crater led by David Kring something the public hasn't been able to do for 
some time I'm told and that the Met. Society hadn't done in 33 years.
Dr. Kring was vivid in his descriptions of the events and specific in 
depicting evidence of the catastrophe along the route including a 
Moencope[excuse my spelling] Hinge[a flap of red rock where the strata had 
been completely overturned], impact breccia, the largest boulder torn from 
the crater and flung to the rim. and much, much more.
I only wish I had a mode of sharing some of the pictures, but I'm a bit web 
A HUGE thank you from Dawn and I to Twink and all of her guests who took the 
time to show us that the Meteorite List is crammed with wonderful people who 
love meteorites and are gracious in sharing themselves and their interests 
with us and the world at large.
Twink you absolutely made us feel like V.I.P.'s and I'm not exagerating. 
Thank you.
Jerry Flaherty 

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