[meteorite-list] Darren, Paul, and the new item for the market

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Thu Aug 23 14:06:08 EDT 2007

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:21:59 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>the insults, would thank Paul for his comments. All
>that I have to go on now is what the Lenapewak
>remembered - rushing waters (which I took for smaller
>impact mega-tsunami), which they survived, followed by

Too bad (as Sterling pointed out last night) that "data" also has been debunked
as a fraud.  Be my guest, cite references from the 1800s to refute the newer
evidence from the 1990s.  While you are at it, since you are asking for factual
arguments, explain to me how this 1 creation myth that you cling to is the
single factually accurate one, while all other creation myths of Native
Americans (and every other culture in the world with remaining records of their
creation stories) are wrong?  

Also, a hell of a lot of things happened over the past 13,000 years.  It was
before the founding of the first city.  Before agriculture.  Before the earliest
known trace of written language, anywhere.  Entire civilizations rose and fell,
one after the other, in that time, leaving behind sometimes only bits of broken
pottery, or nothing at all.  Empires rose, grew, faded away, and were replaced
with new ones.  Major religions were born and died.  Entire language families
developed, many of which exist now only as marks in a few scraps of hardened
clay.  What is so special about your precious legend that allowed it to last
over 13,000 years, through countless storytellers speaking many different
languages, that would allow it to survive, intact, for that long, when NOTHING
so special about that tribal group that they survived culturally intact for
13,000 years when that has NEVER happened ANYEHERE ELSE in history?  If you can
give me substantial evidence or ANY AT ALL to make that even REMOTELY credible,
then I'll stop concidering you a crackpot.  But I'm not holding my breath.  You
will either not reply to this at all, or reply in a very tangental way, just as
you have done with your replies with Paul's highly reserched, solid, and
substantial shredding of your geology.

Here are the links again to your myth, which seems to be as much of a fraud as
your mucks:



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