[meteorite-list] What size of stone?

Michael Murray mmurray at montrose.net
Thu Aug 9 20:00:13 EDT 2007

Hi List
Re: "Even a meteorite of small size can cause a big damage"

I'm not trying to argue with the statement reported in the news  
article recently but wonder what would the qualifiers for it be? I'm  
sure it's true to a point but...   I have some small pieces that  
probably would only make a noticeable noise if they hit a metal  
roof.  You would only hear the ' tink ' sound if you were either in  
that building or very close.  So how large is large enough either by  
weight or size as an approximation to qualify?  My definition of "big  
damage" is something like: breaking, severely denting, penetrating,  
or killing something or someone.  I'm guessing something around 35  
grams traveling at it's final fall speed could cause serious injury,  
dent something pretty good, an even cause death if it hit just  
right.  Probably wouldn't penetrate much though.  Anyone want to  
offer up their thoughts on this?

Mike Murray
micro hunter in SW Colorado

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