[meteorite-list] From the Admin - update on List Policies

magellon at earthlink.net magellon at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 5 21:19:39 EDT 2007

>And if you have a problem with someone breaking the list rules, you
>contact Art, not the other 600 of us out here.
>Otherwise you're just being a hypocrite.

Jason and fellow List members,
My response to Art was an "Re:" to his email to the List.
Sorry if that violated your newly proposed rule #9.
As a respectful List member I will attempt to mend 
my hypocritical ways and be more courteous. 

I agree with you that disputes should not be broadcast
when they can be settled and/or should be taken off line.
I have contacted or tried to contact steve before I've
posted to the List. steve has never responded to my
private emails. And I also (hypocritically) agree that
Art should be emailed privately.

But when those methods don't work, List members should
be allowed to discuss List matters or rules violation 
without personal attacks (#3).

My suggestions: An administrative action is the best solution,
(privately email Art), a second solution is to bribe
the Mexican government during steve's next vacation,
and a third solution previously suggested is for ALL 
to NOT respond to steve's emails - my twist - person's 
violating this secret directive will be privately
spammed by the collective list members. (pack members will take
over when pack leader does not lead - Cesar Millan)

Recovering hypocrite, accused naysayer and NGC watcher,
Ken Newton

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