[meteorite-list] A Newbies Perspective on Steve and this list

David & Kitt Deyarmin bobadebt at ec.rr.com
Sun Aug 5 08:00:51 EDT 2007

I have only been collecting meteorites since May of last year and have been 
on this list less then that.

Even though I'm green and doubt that most of you will even read this post 
I'm just so fed up I had to say something.

This is supposed to be about meteorites but I think a lot of you are more 
interested in picking on Steve or the drama surrounding Steve.

A veteran like Mike Farmer or Mirko Graul posts a really interesting topic 
and it gets virtually no replies.

But if Steve offers to "GIVE" away some meteorite material it gets a lot of 
traffic, but all of it is about chastising him.

Well, if you look at it from the rule books perspective he is in the right, 
since his post is about meteorites and all of you are in the wrong, since 
your post is about Steve.

Some of the posts I have read also violate the rules about being courteous.

I'm a member of a lot of hobby related forums and your behavior is very 
common, people seem to thrive on drama and it's a shame because the real 
purpose of the forum always takes a back seat to it.

I got so sick or receiving emails from this list I opted not to and instead 
I read the archive on a regular basis, that way I could skip all the posts 
chastising Steve and read the interesting topics.

I just wish I was more knowledgeable so I could discuss some of these 
topics, other then to say "that's a nice rock" or "that's a cool story".

And as long as you veterans are wasting your energy complaining about Steve 
and not discussing these cool new topics people like me will not learn as 
much as we could. 

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