[meteorite-list] Nut finds fake meteorite with fake technology!

Sterling K. Webb sterling_k_webb at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 3 01:50:46 EDT 2007

Hi, List,

    He's a dowser! Gee, I haven't seen or heard of
a dowser at work for 50 years. Most dowsing was
for water, though, to find the proper location to dig
a well. I once lived in a farmhouse property where
they had a dowser "dowse" for the best well location
before they built the house.

    After the dowser picked the best spot for a well,
the well-driller set up his rig and commenced. This was
in an area where wells usually "came in" between 20
and 30 feet. At 40-odd feet, the driller pointed out that
they were virtually certain to hit water in the next ten feet,
so it would actually cost the landowner more to chose
another drill site and start over with a new well.

    They let the drilling continue in the same spot, and
had the same argument with the driller every ten feet or
so, until at 87 feet, they hit water at last, at three times
the average depth for the region (and about five times
the usual drilling cost).

    Now confident that they had a reliable source of
water, the owners commenced the construction of their
house at a spot about 25 feet from the well site. They
began to dig out the basement, but at a depth of only
45 INCHES, they hit a "blind spring," which continued
to flow a respectible stream of water despite all their
many efforts to shut it down.

    When I lived there fifty years later, the spring in
the basement was still flowing --- out a pipe in the
concrete floor that carried the spring water down to
the roadside ditch to drain away, and we drank the
water from the 87-foot-deep "dowsed" well.

    I always thought of that well as a memorial to the
"efficacy" of dowsing, but $2800 for an electronic
"dowsing machine" is an truly enterprising fraud. I
wonder if Yokum's gadget will find water? I will say
this for the expensive "dowsed" well, though: it was
really good water.

Sterling K. Webb
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Darren Garrison" <cynapse at charter.net>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Nut finds fake meteorite with fake technology!

On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 20:16:57 -0800, you wrote:

>Nut or not, I think it's inspiring that a man of that age is off his "rusty 
>dusty" looking around.

With a little research, I see that the guy in the article isn't just some 
fool who fell for the fraudulent technology-- he's the guy selling it.  So 
suckered some newspaper reporter into marketing his product for him.



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