[meteorite-list] Mars software, clock maths HELP.

Kevin Forbes vk3ukf at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 30 09:25:03 EDT 2006

Hello people,

if you have an interest in the Mars Exploration Rovers, please have a look 
at the Merdat software

screen shots.

Click the link below, then click the MERDAT link.


if you see an astronaut then my website is being nice,

if you see a blue sun, then click refresh or enter the URL 
http://www.qsl.net/vk3ukf/ only, no

index.html on the end, for some reason you got the server cache, and an old 
index page.

What do I need help with, the Mars clock in my software is plain old 
daytime, not solar time as

displayed on the NASA website. I would like some help in translating the 
algorithm for Mars solar

time into code so the program matches NASA.

Too much greek and triangles for me to understand, the calculation for 
Mars24 can be found at

this URL.


I need someone to hold my hand here.

If there is anyone out there disciplined in mathematics, I'd love your 

I know Sterling K. Webb is good at this. Hi Sterling.

Please send general emails to the list, not me. Lest you end up in my JUNK 
I am sending this email to two lists meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com and

MarsSocietyVictoria at yahoogroups.com and fear I may be swamped, probably not, 
but, just being


Email me personally if you want a copy of the beta software as it now 
stands, ONLY if you think you can assist with the algorithm or feedback. I 
need to have it viewed on screens with a resolution bigger than 1280 x 1024. 
(my monitor is 800 x 600 to 1280 x 1024) The software looks OK at these 

I plan to include another zipped library of images apart from the two below, 
I will make a best of collection at a later time.
The zip of MER images of the Martian moons taken at night, Night.zip, is 
uploading now, please be patient. It'll be available in a few hours, yeh, 
I'm dial up. Clouds.zip has been uploaded and is available.

Thanks folks.

(p.s. if something is broken in all this, do let me know, and I'll fix it)

Kevin Forbes, VK3UKF.

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