[meteorite-list] 2003 EL61 revisited

Matson, Robert ROBERT.D.MATSON at saic.com
Thu Sep 14 19:43:07 EDT 2006

Hi Marco and Sterling and List,

I think Marco already knows my position on the 2003 EL61 discovery,
but to simplify I lean much closer to his explanation of events than
to those which attempt to vilify Ortiz et al.  I think it is perfectly
reasonable and even likely that Ortiz was an unwitting victim of his
own curiosity in his efforts not to look foolish submitting such an
obvious object.  Indeed, because of Ortiz's unpleasant and likely
undeserving experience, I vowed never to do any web searches related
to trans-Neptunian objects in the event I discover a large, unpublished
TNO in my archive searches.  Better to look like a fool than to be
branded a thief due to someone else's negligence.


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