[meteorite-list] Monze Meteorite: Behind the Scene Notes

MexicoDoug at aol.com MexicoDoug at aol.com
Thu Mar 9 15:00:34 EST 2006

Mark B. writes:

<< I have recently communicated with Michael Lambert, son of Hugh Henry John 
Lambert, who wrote "The Monze Meteorite" published in The Northern Rhodesia 
Journal, Volume I - No. 4 - 1951... ... Slight editing has been done, but it is 
pretty much complete as I received it.  I am writing the mother, who is still 
alive, to see if she has any other insight she might add. >>

Mark, Thank for your original research/perseverance on this important 
meteorite, for the additions, and to kindly keep us all apprised of your progress as 
you may learn more from the lucid living of this now 56 year old event.  The 
article you have posted on your website may have suffered a bit in "character 
recognition" in more than one way.  It left me with doubts my stereotype of 
Chief Chongo was with his precise name.  Was he Chief Chongo, Chief Congo, or the 
Chief of Congo, Chief of the Chongo people or was that a village, region, or 
even country name etc.?

This is more than an amusing question for me, because Chief Chongo, in my 
book, has related an incredibly detailed and apparently accurate account from his 
hut - better than I have come to expect from modern sheriffs and constables 
and other authorities in other "less" superstitious countries.  The report is 
nothing less than amazing.  So amazing it is, and not to question the prowess 
of the Chief who has earned a first prize - I'd be really curious how much, if 
any, the author may have coached the Chief, or taken literary license, etc., 
in capsuling the work originally.  I'm betting the Chief was sharp as a tack, 
but when bringing the Chief's story to life in one's imagination you have to 
recognize its uncanniness.

Anyways, thanks, and for those who want to browse Mark's original 
reproduction, here's the link again on his website:

Saludos, Doug

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