[meteorite-list] Possible comet detonation. Request for data and analysis assistance.

Kevin Forbes vk3ukf at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 5 16:36:58 EST 2006

Hello folks, the proposal request form failed so here it is via standard 

I have also made a windows media movie of the anomaly in three wavelengths, 
as well as a LASCO C3 clip that shows the largest of the cometary fragments 
on its death dive. I believe there may be as many as 4 fragments, but I need 
to see higher resolution LASCO C3 data.

See my webpage at QSL.net to download the movie.


TOPIC: Comets
Proposal title: Cometary detonation in the corona

Hello folks, I am seeking EIT data for 171, 195, 284 and 304 Angstroms, 
between the dates of July 1 2005 and July 31

2005, as well as high resolution LASCO c3 data for the same period. I 
believe I have come across images of what may

be a comet or minor planetary body, detonating in the Sun's corona, near the 
limb. I have seen two comets on the same

trajectory, and possibly another two fragment. The detonation appears before 
the main comets appear. I want to check data

previous to their appearance for smaller fragments on the same trajectory. I 
would also like very much to liase with

a team member for the analysis of the data. The possible detonantion appears 
at the 3 O'Clock position on the Mpegs I

downloaded from the SOHO site last year. I have taken a while to get around 
to following it up as I was sure all the

other folks pouring over the data would spot it. It seems they have not, 
although the comets seem to be listed.
The anomaly is visible in EIT 171, 284, 304 for dates 18 and 19 July 2005. 
It does not appear on images for those

dates on EIT 195 data, I am unaware for a reason for this. I have not yet 
looked at spacecraft or instrument design.
Also, what is the image format of the data that I downloaded from the 
archive server?
Filename example, efz20050718.184810
I have scientific image format viewers, but they failed.
I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best to you and the team.
Yours faithfully, Kevin Forbes, VK3UKF.

I am not associated with an institute of any kind.

Kevin W. Forbes,
15 Rudolph Street,
Hoppers Crossing,
Victoria, 3029,
email: vk3ukf at hotmail.com
Ph. 03 97491288

P.S. I hope this is an unusual anomaly and not a speck on the lens.

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