[meteorite-list] Beware the powerful magnetic field!

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Fri Jun 30 17:27:25 EDT 2006


Killer Asteroid Headed Towards Earth 
Giant rock rapidly approaching, but collision unlikely 

Starry-eyed humans, brace yourself and fasten your seatbelts. The planet Earth
is about to cross paths with a massive asteroid on July 3. 

The asteroid, named 2004XP14, measuring a half-mile in diameter, more or less,
is hurtling through the darkness of space toward our planet. Even though the
chances of it hitting Earth are nil, by cosmic standards, the asteroid will pass
alarmingly close to our beloved blue orb next week. At its closest approach to
Earth, the asteroid will brush past at almost the same distance of the moon from
our planet.

Too small to be considered as planets, asteroids are said to be metallic and
rocky objects that revolve around the sun. Sometimes called minor planets, they
come in various sizes, from the mammoth Ceres, measuring about 1,000 kilometers
in diameter, to the tiniest, pebble-sized fragments. Sixteen of these asteroids
are known to have a diameter of 240 kilometers or more and they are scattered
inside the Earth's orbit and beyond Saturn's. The majority of asteroids are
herded within the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some of these have become
wayward and unfortunately cross Earth's path. Millions of years ago, the Earth
had been hit several times by some of the space rocks. One notable planetary
scar, the well-preserved Barringer meteor crater is located in Winslow, Arizona.

The 2004XP14 belongs to a class of asteroids called Apollo, which have
Earth-crossing orbits. This classification of Apollo asteroids came to be called
as such because the first one to be discovered was given the name 1862 Apollo.
About 1,989 of these threatening asteroids are known to wander in the Solar

The exact size of the asteroid 2004XP14 is not yet known. To try to ascertain
its true mass, astronomers are planning to use a space radar and "ping" it with
the sophisticated instruments. By analyzing the high frequency radio waves that
will reflect from the surface of the fast-approaching asteroid, astronomers will
have a chance to measure its size and shape. 

Based on its brightness, the asteroid's diameter is approximately 1,345 to 3,018
feet, or 410 to 920 meters. If ever the asteroid gets too close and is captured
by the Earth's powerful magnetic field, human civilization might shrink back to
the stone-age.

Discovered by the Lincoln Laboratory Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) on
Dec. 10, 2004, XP14 is under close watch by a concerned team of astronomers
because of the possibility that this asteroid might impact with Earth during
this century, even though a thorough study and analysis of its course and orbit
concluded that humanity is not yet in danger.

Visually spotting the 2004XP14 will be quite hard. But those with a good
telescope and ample experience in tracking heavenly objects might be lucky to
catch a glimpse of the streaking object as it brushes past Earth's orbit.

On April 13, 2029, another asteroid is scheduled to make a close call with
Earth, and this can be seen with the naked eye by observers in Asia and North
Africa. Astronomers said that Asteroid 99942 Apophis, estimated to be about
1,000 or 300 meters wide, would come very close at about 20,000 miles from the
surface of the planet. Close-passing asteroids like it come at least once in
1,500 years.

Scientists are anticipating the close fly-by with excitement for a unique
opportunity and uneasy apprehension. 

Researchers are hoping to take advantage of Apophis' close approach in order to
gain more information on how asteroids are formed and to gain some insight on
the seismic activity inside the space rock.

Tidal forces from the Earth's gravitational pull are going to twist and churn
the core of Apophis as it comes at a very close distance. The forces will deform
the asteroid's exterior. Astronomers are planning to use ground-based radar to
monitor its movements and also use telescopes to record changes in the rock's
surface and rotation. The asteroid was discovered last year and named after a
snakelike Egyptian god of darkness and chaos.

Not much is known about the true origins of asteroids. A theory holds that they
are remnants of a planet that broke up in a massive collision during the
formation of the solar system. One plausible theory suggests that asteroids are
left-over material which failed to form into a planet. 

By examining fragments of space debris that strike the Earth's surface,
scientists are able to get some understanding of these space material that pose
a certain danger to mankind in the future. Asteroids that come on a collision
course with our home planet are called meteioroids. The material that is left
from the fiery entrance through the protective atmosphere is now known as

Scientists are very interested in asteroids since they are materials of the
early years of the solar system. Gaining a complete understanding of these
cosmic vagabonds will enable them to construct a full picture of Earth's early
life and formative beginnings. 

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