[meteorite-list] Dealers and their duty

JKGwilliam h3chondrite at cox.net
Fri Jun 30 01:13:38 EDT 2006

Good to hear you're getting settled in.  If you ever get homesick for 
Arizona, you're welcome to come stay at my place.  I even have a lawn mower 
you can use to show me your newly developed talent;-)

Oh....one more thing...I almost forgot.  I agree with you about the Ebay 
feedback issue.

John Gwilliam

At 03:32 PM 6/29/2006, star-bits at comcast.net wrote:
>     Hey I'll fess up, I am the dealer in question.   I find feedbacks to 
> be a pain in the butt, a waste of time and in the grand scheme of things 
> virtually worthless.  As a result I do feedbacks in a big batch every 2-3 
> months (sometimes longer).
>     When I am buying it doesn't matter to me if the seller has a feedback 
> rating of 15 or 150 or 15,000.  If I look at a feedback it is only to 
> look at the negatives to see why they were given, I don't bother looking 
> at any of the positives at all.   I pay zero attention to who has or has 
> not given me feedback and rarely look at my own feedback.
>     Walter Newton's emails have been a whole lot politer than some who 
> seem to feel that because they gave me a positive feedback that I "owed" 
> them one in return, immediately.   I don't ask for feedbacks and just 
> because someone gives me one there is no requirement or "duty" on my part 
> to respond in kind.  However I usually do - eventually.   Yes, I know 
> that if I did feedbacks more frequently I wouldn't get emails nagging me 
> to reciprocate for the feedback they gave me.  What can I say, sometimes 
> the emails prod me into doing a batch of feedbacks and sometimes they 
> don't.  Repeated emails are guaranteed never to get me in the mood to do 
> feedbacks.
>     As far as loading 20+ auctions on monday, since moving to North 
> Carolina I have no paying job and eBay pays the house mortgage.   That 
> makes loading things on eBay a priority, even over getting the house 
> squared away.  It puts feedback way down on the list well below mowing 
> the lawn, something I did the other day for the first time in 12 years 
> and which needs doing again.
>     Hang in there Walter, I will get to them eventually.
>Eric Olson
> >I have sent him numerous emails, but no feedback yet. It's been over 3
> >weeks
> >since the auction.
>this might seem overly harsh, but I would think that maybe he hasnt left
>feedback because he thinks you are pestering him on the issue. 'numerous
>emails' seems to be a bit above and beyond the call for wanting feedback
>posted within a 3 week timespan. I could understand if he never sent you
>your purchase, but all those mails just because he never left feedback?
>just from my own perspective, as both a buyer and seller on ebay i normally
>leave feedback in large groups. maybe once a month, or even longer depending
>on my useage. Also dont forget that 3 weeks is still well within the time
>period where you might decide you arent happy with the transaction and it
>could go belly up. feedback should be left when both parties are happy with
>how the deal concluded. 3 weeks may be too soon for the seller to feel safe
>in doing this.
>just my 2 cents.>
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