[meteorite-list] Dealers and their duty

Walter L. Newton newtonw2 at comcast.net
Thu Jun 29 07:48:32 EDT 2006

Hi Paul

Yes, it's about the meteorites.

I haven't noticed this caveat with the meteorite dealers, but a lot of
dealers on Ebay set their own bidding rules (which is Ebay legal). Some
dealers (or even part-time sellers) will not except bids from anyone with
ANY negative feedback, or requires you to have X amount of positive
feedbacks to bid and so on. If you don't follow these special rules, the
seller can cancel your bid. So feedback is important.

I'm not talking about soliciting for positive feedback. I just want the
dealer to leave feedback, good, bad or indifferent.

The whole foundation of Ebay's "community" idea is the self-monitoring of
sellers and buyers.

And as a Power Seller myself (not meteorites), I know how my feedback
ratings help both my selling and buying.

Yes, it's about the meteorites. And when a meteorite dealer is more
interested in selling the rocks than anything else, and is lazy with the
follow up, in my mind this is not helpful for anyone or the collecting
community. I may as well pick up my rocks at the tourist traps all over the
country, since the dealer has decided that the personal service and his duty
to the buyer is not as important than his bottom line.

If I want this type of service, I can go to Kmart.

Closing note. The dealer I am addressing in this topic has managed to list
20 new items in the last two days. So I know he is not away from his
computer or not available to take care of his "duty." Paul, I can't agree
with you.

Walter L. Newton
1400 Utah Street #101
Golden, Co 80401

Home 303-279-3046
Cell 303-906-9653

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