[meteorite-list] NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Marks Mission Halfway Point

Ron Baalke baalke at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 27 18:48:50 EDT 2006

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011

Carolina Martinez 818-354-9382
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

News Release: 2006-088			June 27, 2006

NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Marks Mission Halfway Point

As the Cassini spacecraft reaches the halfway mark in 
its four-year tour of the Saturn system,  discoveries 
made during the first half of the mission have 
scientists revved up to find out what's in store for 
the second act.  Cassini has been orbiting Saturn since 
June 30, 2004, studying the planet, its rings and moons. 

"The spacecraft has spent a considerable amount of time 
studying the moon Titan during 15 separate flybys so far. 
In the second half of its prime mission, ending June 
2008, Cassini will swing by Titan 30 more times," said 
Robert T. Mitchell, Cassini program manager at NASA's 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "The past 
two years have been just like a warm-up."
"We especially focused on Titan because we thought it 
could tell us something about the early Earth," said Dr. 
Toby Owen, Cassini interdisciplinary scientist at the 
University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Owen added, "Examining this world frozen in time, we 
find evidence that Earth may have begun with the same 
methane-ammonia atmosphere that marked the birth of 
Titan. Because of our world's closeness to the Sun, 
Earth has oceans of liquid water, which Titan lacks. 
The resulting chemistry in Earth's warm environment 
ultimately led to the origin of life, whereas on Titan 
we find only a frozen echo of early Earth: methane, 
nitrogen, and a suite of small organic molecules. 
Our planet's carefully balanced, warm global climate 
is the underlying reason that we are investigating 
Titan, instead of Titanians investigating Earth." 

Cassini's tour of the Saturnian system is about to 
take on a new pace. "This summer we will begin our 
express-ticket ride. That's 11 months with 17 Titan 
encounters and 51 spacecraft maneuvers to adjust the 
flight path, more than one maneuver per week," said 
Jerry Jones, Cassini chief navigator at JPL. The 
first of these encounters will be a Titan flyby on 
July 2, followed by the closest Titan encounter 
yet on July 22, at 950 kilometers (590 miles) above 
the surface.

Later in July, navigators will begin to flip the 
spacecraft's orbit orientation with respect to the 
sun by nearly 180 degrees, resulting in a 
bird's-eye view of Saturn's glorious rings. This 
gradual transfer will take about one year. 

"One of the biggest mysteries confronting Cassini is the 
changes we've seen in Saturn's radio emissions" said 
Dr. Bill Kurth, Cassini scientist at the University of 
Iowa, Iowa City. "We've seen the radio period, the 
frequency of emissions that tell scientists how fast or 
slow the planet is rotating, change by as much as one 
percent (or a few minutes) over just 10 years, and we 
don't know why. Pinning down how long the day is on 
Saturn is key to understanding other things, such as 
wind speed." 

Cassini has quite a job to do during the second half 
of the mission to match the potpourri of discoveries 
in its first half. 

The wealth of information from the Cassini spacecraft 
and the European Space Agency's Huygens probe, which 
descended through Titan's murky atmosphere to its 
surface, shows that Titan is remarkably Earth-like. 
There is evidence for methane rain, erosion, 
drainage channels, dry lake beds, possible 
volcanoes and vast dune fields that run for miles.

In addition to the Titan findings, Cassini also 
discovered three new moons, and some of the 
previously-known moons provided surprises. One of 
the most bizarre discoveries is a giant mountain 
range that runs the full length around the equator 
of Saturn's moon Iapetus. The mountains rival 
Olympus Mons on Mars, which is nearly three times 
the height of Mt. Everest. Other moons look like 
rubble piles. 

Cassini also acquired the highest resolution images 
ever taken of the planet's rings. Strange structures 
in the rings became apparent on the first day of 
the tour. Waves rip through the rings, while knots 
and banded structures shape them. Clumps of ice 
several kilometers wide are now appearing. Scientists 
also witnessed moons influencing the rings. The moon 
Prometheus was caught stealing particles from the 
F-ring, while Enceladus seems to be contributing 
particles to Saturn's expansive E-ring. A whole new 
class of small moonlets may lie within Saturn's rings. 
New rings have also appeared, which may indicate the 
presence of tiny moonlets.
The true showstopper was the discovery of giant, 
icy geysers gushing from the surface of Enceladus. 
This evidence leads some scientists to believe there 
may be liquid water close to the surface. With all 
these discoveries in the first two years, it's little 
wonder Cassini scientists are anxiously waiting to see 
what else remains for their instruments to reveal in 
the next two years.

For images and more information, visit: 

http://www.nasa.gov/cassini and 
http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov .

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project 
of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian 
Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a 
division of the California Institute of Technology in 
Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for 
NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. 
The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and 
assembled at JPL. 


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