[meteorite-list] Von Steinen, die vom Himmel fallen (About Stones, that fall from the Sky)

Christian Anger christian.anger at aon.at
Sat Jan 7 05:53:52 EST 2006

Hi all,

especially the German, Swiss and Austrian list members which are not member
of the German Meteorite_list (Meteorit at yahoogroups.de)

The NHM Vienna starts the new year again with activities in meteoritics.
Already in January is the first evening lecture.

"Von Steinen, die vom Himmel fallen" (About Stones, that fall from the Sky)

see further info at




Dr. Köberl will be well known especially from Impactite- und Tektite-Collectors.

Who is able to come - join it.

all the best


I.M.C.A. #2673 at www.imca.cc
website: www.austromet.com

Ing. Christian Anger
Korngasse 6
2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
email: christian.anger at aon.at
email: meteorites at austromet.com

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