[meteorite-list] What is wrong with sharing...

Michael L Blood mlblood at cox.net
Sat Dec 23 19:08:49 EST 2006

on 12/23/06 4:29 AM, chris aubeck at caubeck at gmail.com wrote:
> Of course, my interest in meteorites is
> different (I have never knowingly touched a meteorite nor have any
> intention to buy one).
> Merry Xmas, Chris
Hi Chris,
        Are you some sort of meteorite celibate? Is it a sect?
Could you touch one if it needed you to do so to save its life?
Is there an age at which you are allowed to touch meteorites?
Once you reach an acceptable age do you have to touch one
and only one meteorite the rest of your life, or are you a
meteorite priest? (If so, does this mean small meteorites are
at risk if you are alone with them?)
        Inquiring minds want to know.
        Thanks, Michael
It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his
salary depends on him not understanding it.
  - Upton Sinclair 
What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know.
It is what we know for sure that just ain't so.
   - Josh Billings (but oft credited to  Mark Twain)


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