[meteorite-list] On TV Tonight! "Cash &Treasures" MeteoriteEpisode

MARK BOSTICK thebigcollector at msn.com
Wed Dec 20 21:09:52 EST 2006

Hello Geoff and list,

Nice job Geoff, Sonny, Steve and Mike.

Missed the first two airings but will try to capture the third.  For those 
that also missed the episode, and perhaps for those that would like a 
refresher, here are some photographs I took of the Brenham part of the aired 
episodes.  I tried my best to stay out of the camera way, as the film was 
much more important then my snapshots...but here they are.


If someone did happen to record and it would not be much of a hassle to send 
me a copy I would appreciate it. One of my brothers was there and I imagine 
he would like to see it.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Kansas Meteorite Society

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