[meteorite-list] biggest taggish lake

Mr EMan mstreman53 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 15 11:13:51 EST 2006

--- Rick Davis <torotoy at msn.com> wrote:
I was under the impression they would rust away and
simply dismissed hunting underwater. (SNIP)Im just a
rookie Meteorite hunter and new to the list, but have
been working on the bottom for 37 years.  

>>>>Sorry to hear of your extended submerssion just
curious , Is there a depth limit to reading email?(te
he he)

My question is, at what rate can we expect them to

 >>>>The correct assumption here is what rate do they
disolve? TL is a fresh water lake and the meteorite is
a largely organic water disolvable substance.   Ergo ,
I believe Unrecovered TL is oooze by now.  Nothing to
corrode or rust.  

Kidding aside, If you are speaking about Tagish Lake
They will have disolved into mud.

What say you list?

>>>I say there have only been a hand full of
recoveries in and about the water but you find them
where you find them.  The Emerald(NON)Mete0rite was an
operation to recover apparent slag from one of the
great lakes.---Otherwise, I say....Welcome to the
list. Sorry to hear of your new affliction.

Hello . Welcome to the Friends of Harvey...  I am
Elton.  I am a meteoriteaholic...

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