[meteorite-list] UPDATED - Denver Show Pictures

McCartney Taylor mccartney at blackbearddata.com
Mon Sep 19 22:24:15 EDT 2005

I have updated the posted pictures from the Denver show.  
Mainly Auction, Dinner, and Raffle.  

Other juicy tidbits from the show - Hans hiding Mike Farmer's laptop 
and packing the laptop bag with rocks one night.  Also, the rowdy 
gals in the back of the auction who got 'hushed'. There were even 
some Erik Twelker sightings (more rare than Elvis), but 

 Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the mysterious magician who 
visited all the meteorite dealer's rooms and levitated irons, vanished 
napkins, and pushed Campo coins thru H5 slices.

This link works for the public:

If I misspelled your name, let me know.

--  McCartneyTaylor, IMCA

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