[meteorite-list] DEAN'S MOM'S SECOND BIG SALE

dean bessey deanbessey at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 14 06:08:57 EDT 2005

This is more of my own left over material that I have
stored in my mothers house and she is slowly
liquidating my stuff. See her ebay user id
MARILYNSOFFERINGS also as more meteorites are on ebay.
My mothers photos are still not perfect but she is
starting to get pretty good. But see the next 50 sale
As usual a 20% discount on everything.
To order meteorites from this sale email my mother at
nbessey at nl.rogers.com
I have to be on a flight to Hong Kong and Bangkok in a
few hours so send orders (And paypal) to my mother as
what you want will likely be sold by the time I get
back to you.
I have more new meteorites in morocco but likely wont
be managing to offer them for sale until after munich
(I will have exciting munich news next month - you
should plan to go to munich this year).

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