[meteorite-list] Look at the Smaritan's purse website.

Mark Bowling minador at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 18:00:19 EDT 2005

> From: "Michael Farmer" <meteoritehunter at comcast.net>
> Good grief! This is nothing more than an organization exploiting
> tragedy and disaster to preach to the victims who are in need and
> vulnerable to pressure.
> http://www.samaritanspurse.org/EmploymentListings_Index.asp
> Read their crap for yourself. I am sure most of your donation will go
> to buying bibles and printing up those stupid little books.
> These people don't need that crap right now, they need money, food,
> and shelter. If Jesus was with them, perhaps the almighty would not
> have sent the disaster to befall them! Ever thought of that.
> These are nothing more than church scams taking money and using it to
> force their beliefs on those who need help.
> "Samaritan's Purse is a Christian organization committed to spreading
> the Good News of Jesus Christ through emergency relief and evangelism.
> All employees must adhere to our Statement of Faith. This prerequisite
> for employment is based upon federal guidelines provided in Title VII.
> "
> Mike Farmer
> Thanks Geoff, for keeping this tragedy neutral to various gods and
> religious beliefs.

How is this related to meteorites?

Haven't you all had your say on this matter?  It's really getting old I
must say.  Just donate some money to the organization of your choice or
send some supplies or take a week of vacation and volunteer some time on
site.  Or don't...

We are all adults and can research charities ourselves.  Which ones are
good or bad, if their existence is worthwhile or not.  I didn't join
this list to learn what each and every subscribers opinion is with
regard to race, religion, politics, philosophy, redistribution of
wealth, charities etc.  I have a lot of strong opinions and I do my best
to keep out of it as I'm sure you don't want to hear mine.  There
literally thousands of such lists, clubs, chat rooms, etc which cover
such topics - so join one and keep it there.

The 24 most recent posts have nothing to do with meteorites...  This is
a bit extreme to just use the delete key.  I personally find much of it
offensive - it's really getting old.  Geoff has made it clear that the
American Red Cross will handle the funds and use it to it's best
judgment.  Enough already - Please...

Vail, AZ

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