[meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Sun Sep 4 10:25:38 EDT 2005

On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 00:27:10 -0700 (PDT), drtanuki <drtanuki at yahoo.com> wrote:

>selling an autograph of one of the biggest MURDERERS
>on EARTH??  Why is Adoph Hitler`s autograph being
>offered by anyone; let anyone on this list????   SHAME
> ON YOU MATTEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Was your link to a
>common coin to lead the NAZI lovers to YOU?  Sick!!!! 
>Burn such a sick piece of ink!!!!!!  $900 for a fake?
>autograph of a MURDERER.  Matteo, even I feel shame
>for you.  Dirk Ross..Tokyo

History is history.  I don't see why we should have to devide it into "history of the good guys"
that can be kept, and "history of the bad guys" that must be wiped from the Earth.  As far as that
goes, how do we know that ancient coins (such as the meteorite one offered) aren't issued
by/representitive of rulers that were as brutal and as bloodthirsty as Hitler (if not as efficient)?
Should the rare but valuable Roman coin commerating the brutal destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD
(and that coin does exist) be destroyed because of what it supports and which Emperor it supports?
What about artifacts from Lenin's USSR or Sadam's Iraq?  What about having an autograph from
Washington or Jefferson, since both were slave owners?  If you bought one of those memorial coins
supposed to be made with steel from the World Trade Center, does that mean that you support Osama
for destroying them?  People like collecting things related to famous people or events-- it doesn't
have to mean that they endorse those people or events.  Events and actions are meaningful.  History
is neutral.

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