[meteorite-list] Re: Charity Meteorite Raffle for New Orleans

moni waiblinger-seabridge moni2555 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 3 01:14:53 EDT 2005

Hi List and Geoff,

>I'm for it too!

This is really nice to see how helpful and generous everyone is, but then we 
already know how kind you are, remember the Lars donation campaign?

I like to be part of this list!

Sternengruss, Moni

>From: "Notkin" <geoking at notkin.net>
>To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: Charity Meteorite Raffle for New Orleans
>Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 21:57:39 -0700
>Michael Farmer posted:
>>Geoff, is the raffle going to be drawn live in Denver?
>Mike, that is a VERY interesting idea.
>We could encourage you wonderful meteorite people to buy raffle tickets 
>over the next few days, so we can send the money to the Red Cross now, and 
>then have the actual drawing live at the Denver show -- maybe at the COMETS 
>party on Saturday night? That would be a pretty exciting event. I'm sure we 
>could sell extra tickets during the show too.
>What's the consensus on that folks?
>I'm for it. Good thinking Mike.
>Geoff N.

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