[meteorite-list] Book Review: Marvin Killgore's Book on Thin Sections - Part 2 of 2

jbaxter112 at pol.net jbaxter112 at pol.net
Fri Oct 14 14:44:39 EDT 2005

Hello all,

I'm not sure my humble endorsement would add much weight to the opinion of
such a respected figure as Berndt but I'd emphasize to the list that I own
both of the books that Berndt mentioned and they are fabulous books. I
think all collectors should have both.

Also,if you ever get a chance to talk meteorites with Marvin, jump at it.
Unless you are a PhD studying meteoritics his knowledge will eclipse
yours, big time, but he really loves talking meteorites and is very
generous with his time and knowledge on a face to face basis. His
enthusiasm is infectious. Marvin and Kitty are a 'must see' stop if they
are at a show anywhere near any of the list members.

Jim Baxter

> Alyssa La Blue kindly wrote:
> "I'm happy to see this appear on the meteorite list! I am Marvin
> Killgore's assistant and want to make sure that you all know where to
> locate this book."
> Hello Alyssa and List,
> Do I have a copy of this book? Of course, I do - autographed and with a
> special dedication by Marvin and Kitty! Oh, while we are at it, the
> reviewer also wrote:
> "it rightly does not include iron or stony-iron meteorites."
> .. which shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you want to see some
> excellent photos of irons, I'd like to direct you to one more of
> Marvin's and Kitty's books:
> => Southwest Meteorite Collection, A Pictorial Catalog <=
> Here you'll find several superb photos of the Killgore's meteorite
> collection. The pictures were taken by their son Elijah, and there are
> also additional pictures of thin sections and, last but not least,
> photos of their tektites and impactites.
> Best wishes,
> Bernd
> Now, here is part two of the review of Marvin's book on thin sections:
> I suspect that when you first read through this book you will have the
> same reaction as we did: you will not be able to put it down. If it is
> not already apparent, the book is outstanding, with respect to both the
> publishing and the quality of its contents.
> The book starts with a succinct general introduction to the subject of
> meteorite classifi- cation. This section is followed by a two-page
> introduction to ordinary chondrites with some 134 pages of micrographs
> of different ordinary chondrites. The authors stick to a brief, two-page
> introduction to each meteorite class and type, which works perfectly for
> the purpose of this atlas. After ordinary chondrites, the authors
> discuss separately ensta- tite chondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, and
> finally, other chondrites.
> At page 206, the authors leave their completed representation of
> chondrites and give separate attention to primitive achondrites and
> finally evolved achondrites (including SNCs and lunar). Since this is an
> atlas of meteorites in thin section, it rightly does not include iron or
> stony- iron meteorites. Throughout the book, plain and crossed-polarized
> light images are shown for what are or certainly could be considered
> type specimens of meteorites from each class and type. In specific
> cases, reflect light and backscatter electron images are also shown. The
> book is a perfect supplement to a course on meteorites or planetary
> materials, or as a reference book when examining samples in thin
> section, either optically or through backscatter electrons.
> In closing, the marriage of the two authors, who come to the profession
> of meteoritics from two highly different backgrounds, works excellently.
> They have created a    t i m e l e s s c l a s s i c   that will be
> highly desired by all those interested in meteorites. The book captures
> the attention of the reader in a fashion that promotes a child-like
> curiosity for the field of meteoritics while maintaining excellence in
> its scientific content. In a nut- shell, this is an outstanding book
> that anyone seriously interested in meteorites must have for his or her
> reference library.
> (Review by H.C. Connolly, Jr. City University, New York, USA AMNH)
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