[meteorite-list] AD: Thin sections of OCs & slices of C4an

Meteoriteshow meteoriteshow at free.fr
Tue Nov 22 16:00:12 EST 2005

Dear Friends meteorite collectors,

I wish to inform you all that we have some new items available and shown on our website.

1- Thin Sections -> link: http://info.meteoriteshow.free.fr/Archives-Meteoriteshow/angl/Thin-Sections3.htm

First of all, if you are interested in thin sections, I got 11 new ones made from some of our chondrites:
Acfer 336 - L3.8: 2 pieces
Acfer 346 - LL6: 1 piece
Tnz 060 - LL4: 1 piece
Tnz 063 - H4: 2 pieces
Tnz 065 - L4: 3 pieces
Tnz 068 - H4/5: 1 piece
Tnz 069 - H5: 1 piece
Many pictures are available on the webpage (both natural and polarized light) and I can send you enlargements with natural light as
I only put polarized light enlargements on line.
Those thin section have been made acording to usual standards, with a 30µm thickness. No 'blade' has been added on top of the

2- Tanezrouft 057 - C4 an -> link: http://meteoriteshow.free.fr/meteoriteshow%20angl/pages%20meteorites/ck4%5Bfor-sale%5D.htm

All the slices that have been cut recently with a wire saw have now been polished and you can have a look at them.
This meteorite is officially classified as a C4 anomalous and is considered to be a CK5 by A. Rubin (see his last publication about
the new weathering index "Wi").
Future will say what it is as more publications are expected within about a year or so...
In the meantime, enjoy watching the slices, and more especially the endcut...

Thanks for watching, and do not hesitate to contact me for any question!
All the best,

Frederic Beroud
IMCA member # 2491 (http://www.imca.cc/)

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