[meteorite-list] Re: Fr. Steve Arnold - The Brenham Story

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Fri Nov 18 02:00:57 EST 2005

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 23:36:27 -0700, "Notkin" <geoking at notkin.net> wrote:

>I wondered how it could be that you'd find an all-iron meteorite next 
>to an all-pallasite meteorite, and clever Steve pointed out that the 
>pallasitic masses are probably much more fragile. Therefore, is it 
>reasonable to assume that if/when the main mass exploded, in flight and 
>under atmospheric pressure, it might have split along the 
>iron/pallasite boundary -- thereby delivering to us some pallasites, 
>some irons, and maybe some mixed?

That brings up another thought-- with a magnet or metal detector, you'll find the loose metal parts
of the meteorite, but what about the loose olivine crystals part?  Those fragile, shattering
portions should have flinging out a rain of olivine crystals.  Anyone ever take some of the soil
from around any of the finds, scoop it onto a screen, run a hose over it, and see if you come up
with any loose crystals?  Maybe not as cool (and valuable) as finding the big iron, but it'd still
be interesting to me, at least-- (I have no practical expereince meteorite hunting, but when it
comes to spending many hours sifting through sand for tiny shells and fossils, I've BTTTGTTS, see
linked photo for a few of 'em http://webpages.charter.net/garrison6328/shells_smaller.jpg ) 

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