[meteorite-list] Stones From The Stars: The Unsolved Mysteries ofMeteorites

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Wed Nov 16 11:54:46 EST 2005

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:13:13 -0800, "Frank Prochaska" <fprochaska at verizon.net> wrote:

>	I have "Stones from the Stars" and rather liked it.  Clearly the
>author's conclusions are, well, lets say somewhat suspect.  However, there
>is a good deal of historical information in the book that I thought was very
>interesting.  I don't think this is much different, personally, than reading
>other books that are somewhat older that have older classification schemes
>that aren't used anymore, some of the older theories of the origin of
>tektites, etc.  Don't let what some of what any author writes turn you off
>from everything else he or she might have to say.

The problem is, the outlandishness of his claims make me question the accuracy of the "historical"
information in the book.  Evangelists for any "out there" idea are not unknown to tweak the "facts"
to better fit their conclusions.

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