Steve Arnold, Chicago!! steve_arnol60120 at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 15 18:10:48 EST 2005

Hello and good evening list.I guess I did fail to mention other meteorite
hunters.And yes I know that it is not exclusive to the USA.There are many
from all over the world.But to me,HAAG FARMER,STEVE ARNOLD,(IMB),THE
HUPES' to me are the best that I know.I guess that I should have made that
point more clear.For that I am sorry.I know that there are more from the
USA,but these are the names that get the most attention.And of course
NININGER is the best ever.He paved the way for all future hunters.Even
when park forest fell,I only found about 50 grams of the meteorite.I am no
meteorite hunter and I never will,but I did find park forest
specimens.Heck,the first piece I found was a 1.1 gram small fragment which
I donated to JOEL SCHIFF because of the great job he has done with
meteorite magazine.As far as I know,that is the only piece of park forest
he has received.But I will restate that there are many good meteorite
hunters out there worldwide.But to me,the names  that I have mentioned are
the best in the world.I am not trying to take away anything from all the
other great hunters.I guess we all owe a debt of graditude to all the
hunters worldwide.

                                   steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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