[meteorite-list] "Bubbly" meteorite

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Tue Nov 8 10:00:15 EST 2005

On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 11:58:46 +0100, "Meteoriteshow" <meteoriteshow at free.fr> wrote:

>Hi Darren, Göran and All,
>I would guess the same as Göran. We have already seen such "cemented sand grains" on the surface of meteorites that we found in the
>Desert... Most of the time on the side that was in contact witth the ground.
>Kind regards,

Yes, after examining it carefully under higher magnification (60x microscope as opposed to 20x hand
lens) I can see that in that area there is a very thin coating of material on top of the fusion
crust, and those "bubbles" are imbedded in that layer.  Thanks to all who replied.

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