[meteorite-list] meteorite exhibited in the townhall of Wimsheim, Germany

Dr. Svend Buhl info at niger-meteorite-recon.de
Sat Nov 5 07:11:11 EST 2005

Hello list,

I received a request about an unconfirmed meteorite exhibited in the
townhall of Wimsheim, Germany. The weight of the rock is said to be 5814 gm.
The given date of the fall is February 18. 1968, late in the evening.
According to the reports the snow was molten in a 50cm diameter around the
impact pit.

The rock looks like it may be a meteorite discovered after ist fall, but the
pictures I received are too poor to jugde.

Since I could not find any information on a mateorite fall or find for this
location and year I wanted to ask if anyone has information about the
questioned rock beeing a hoax or a pseudometeorite. I just want to make sure
it hasnt been discussed elsewhere as a pseudo before I request a piece for

Thanks for your efforts in advance


www.niger-meteorite -recon.de

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