[meteorite-list] Microscopic views of meteoritic minerals

bernd.pauli at paulinet.de bernd.pauli at paulinet.de
Sun Mar 20 14:02:33 EST 2005

> Is there a website (s) that deal with identification of just what
> one is looking at under the microscope? Just curious as there
> sure is allot going on in specimens when viewed under magnifi-
> cation and a little mineral and formation ID would be a real help.

Hello Bill and List,

I am not sure whether such a website (one that deals explicitly with
meteoritic minerals and what they look like in thin section or under
a microscope) exists but maybe other list members know more in regard
to this. It would surely be a real help as there is such a bewildering
variety of minerals, colors of minerals, mineral habits, and so much more.

What will probably take a professional meteoriticist a few minutes, took
me about 2 hours when I looked at my Ibitira thin section under the micro-
scope before I ventured to post yesterday's mail that described what I

Best wishes,


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