[meteorite-list] Oman

John Sinclair meteorite.usa at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 11:29:16 EST 2005

Hi Mike, Rob and List:

I would like to got to Oman to hunt meteorites but it is not in my
plans at this time.

Mike said:
It is not hard to find the government offices of Oman in
Muscat, I hope you speak some Arabic though.........
I went there and found everything I needed to know out for myself.

You then went into the desert and found meteorites and brought them
back to the US.

Did you find out that as a foreigner, you are allowed to take
meteorites and artifacts from Oman? ( Eric posted pictures of some of
the meteorites and artifacts from your Oman trip a few days back)

Did you find out it is illegal to take meteorites and artifacts from
the desert and then went and collected them anyway and brought them
back to the US?

Mike, will you tell us?
This is an important topic. All meteorite collectors would benefit
from this information. Don't your customers deserve to know about the
legality of the Oman meteorites you sell to them?

How about the rest of the group that have been to Oman with you. 

Eric, Jim, Robert, Jerry
Are any of you willing to share the information with us?
If not, Why? Is there something to hide?

-Thanks to all of you for your help in clarifying the legalities of
hunting meteorites in Oman.

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