[meteorite-list] What are the latest Iron Falls?

Alexander Seidel gsac at gmx.net
Fri Mar 11 19:21:18 EST 2005

> ... as irons are more eye-catching than stony meteorites

Isn´t it all in the eyes of the beholder?

> A layman, who wishes to own a single object from space always
> an iron, as a stone meteorite does look to him/her, well not very
> intriguing, just like a "stone", but with an iron, one easily can see,
> that it must be smth uncommon.

A few years ago I used to help a well-known European distributor of
meteorites at the Hamburg mineral (.. and, on a very much smaller scale,
meteorites) show. Two days of observing walking-by-people, who were having a
closer look, as they seemed to be interested in the offers displayed at the
booth, showed me they were interested in the optically appealing specimens
only, namely the Gibeon irons and spheres and eggs displayed, and not so
much in the other, more rare stuff there, including some real goodies on the
stony side. They preferred to buy a small-budget Gibeon as their first
meteorite, but what is wrong with this? All the rest of it is nothing but
EDUCATION, isn´t it, and for the sake of just that there are quite a few
very good books around at the meantime (hi out there, Kevin Kichinka, and
Richard and Dorothy Norton!)

Berlin/Stade, Germany

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