[meteorite-list] What are the latest Iron Falls?

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Fri Mar 11 14:52:35 EST 2005

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 20:00:54 +0100, "Meteoriteshow" <meteoriteshow at free.fr> wrote:

>to make them appearing... Another solution I thought of is that most of them
>have been used in the prehistoric time for making tools, as the first iron
>tools to be made after the neolithic period were most probably made of
>meteoritic material...
>Does anybody have any other suggestion?

This is the answer I was going to give as soon as I saw your question.  The chondrites would have
lain in the desert forever if all us crazy Westerners hadn't started paying for them.  After all,
they were useless rocks.  The irons, however, were treasures that were, I'm sure, melted into tools
and weapons whenever they were found.

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