dean bessey deanbessey at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 8 07:51:29 EST 2005

See here for some really nice meteorites for sale
including achondrites. Take a 20% discount from
anything of interest.
A lot of you may have noticed this massive liquidation
that I have been on the past couple of months - not
just meteorites but everything that I sell. But in the
case of meteorites often less than the cost to replace
them in Morocco. 
Problem is that it seems that my new wife has
convinced me to try and live in New Zealand for a
while at least anyway (Something to do with the nice
hot Canadian winters that she is not used to and didnt
like all that much) so this summer I plan to go live
in New Zealand for a while. I figure the worse case
scenario is a 6 month vacation and you never know, I
might actually like it there. But I do need to sell
off everything that I own first and so have been
agressively selling things in the hopes of not having
to have a firesale just before I go. I have 6 months
to  finish this selloff. Becides these sales I have a
lot of things cheap on ebay so see my ebay user id
AMUNRE for more stuff.

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