[meteorite-list] Wanted: Oriented Stone 500g - 1kg

Martin Altmann Altmann at Meteorite-Martin.de
Thu Mar 3 15:01:17 EST 2005

Hola list.

I'm looking on behalf of a collector for a fine oriented (or orientated
iiiiih) Stone.
Can be a classic name, can be a desert stone. Don't has to be classified or
even numbered.
Important only, that it's has to be oriented.

(That means, that I'm looking for a stone, where the apex (brustseite sounds
sick in German, let's call it he antiparson's nose) is distinguishable from
the back, not those individuals or even fragments which accidentally are
shield shaped or conical and which are sold so often as oriented because
they are not round like a ball, no:  Oriented! It should be!).

Will forward all offers directly to the collector, won't take any comission.


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