[meteorite-list] Omani meteorite museum

Martin Altmann Altmann at Meteorite-Martin.de
Wed Jun 29 07:58:18 EDT 2005

But Steve, Mike, John....

I may imagine the hunts in Antarctica and the storage of the specimens are
also somewhat expensive, if you turn-over the costs into gram prices.

Culture costs.

What is the price for, let's say, a single old bomber like an F-16, without
maintainance, which stands around most time of the year, flies around only
to tell to the neighbours, lookylook stay friendly, I'm noisy + once per
year crossing over the Omani Steve Arnold Parade and which has to be
replaced after 10 years?  70 millions? More? Dunno, anyway a larger lost
investment than to built up a nice little meteorite museum.

I read the symphony orchestra of Oman achieved meanwhile a respectable
international standard.
Seemingly the sultan doesn't like to listen to disks. Also a doubtful

(look Mr. Blennert, how the brutish terrorist women are grinning, while
playing the cello - Wow, didn't know, that Yehudi Menuhin was a supporter of
Al Quaeda, don't forget to tell to your senator too, that Wing Commander Ian
Kendrick shouldn't be allowed anymore to tresspass your homeland, as well as
Simon Wright, Malcom McArnold, Roy Goodman, Christopher Adey, Kerrison
Camden, Russell Keable, Lorraine McAslan, Peter Ash, Derek Cable, Stephen
Threlfall, John Forster, Lawrence Leonard, Johan de Meij, John Manning,
Timothy Reynish, Lalo Schifrin, Martin Jones, Angela Hagenbach, John
Georgiadis, Peter Coleman-Wright, Alexander Baillie, Kerenza Peacock, Naomi
Harvey, Leif Sundstrup, Julie Wright, Paul Bagshaw, Roman Martin, Clemens
Zeilinger, Diana Palmerston, Alvin Moisey, Steven Richard Lloyd, Gary
Foster, Peter Tanfield, Kevon Morgan, Jill Farrow, Maurizio Moretti, and and
and.............wow, Steve, that dirty wogs have quite an exquisite taste -
but thanks God&John Blennert thuse mentiont artists know now that they
escaped only by favourable circumstances from this barbarious snakes' pit -
Hurrry, hurry We have to warn them, I read that some of them already
promised further guest performances!!).

Meteorite hunters, dealers, collectors - come on, we are a handful of
enthusiasts and not the umbilicus mundi
& sometimes it's a great step forward not to think in economical

Bored Buckleboo!

> One does not have to take Business 101 in college to figure out that
government run operations are massive failures when it comes to being cost
efficient.   I would venture to say that private operations could do MORE
with 10% of the budget than any government bureaucracy could do. With
meteorite recovery, those numbers are probably in line.
> So we are to expect that Oman is going to actually spend a few million
bucks a year to hunt for meteorites...for what, their museum no one will
ever visit?  Ha.  I really think they have a lot more important things to do
with their money than that.
> And whatever they do spend, what is their recovery cost per gram?  $50/g?
$100/g? It really is a joke.
> If Oman thinks they are going to spend say $10,000,000 they will be lucky
if they only lose 99% on their investment.  At least with crude oil and
frankincense they can sell that on the open market.  They will never be able
to sell meteorites on the open market.  (I wonder if the Ebay user name of
"Sultan" is taken yet?)
> The hunters will lose out.
> The dealers will lose out.
> The private collectors will lose out.
> The public collections will lose out.
> Science will lose out.
> The government of Oman will lose out, big time.
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