[meteorite-list] What's Inside a Comet? Brown Geologist Helps NASA Find Out

Ron Baalke baalke at zagami.jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jun 23 14:17:47 EDT 2005


Brown University News Service
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Distributed June 23, 2005
Contact Wendy Lawton (News_Bureau at brown.edu)

NASA's 'Deep Impact'

What's Inside a Comet? Brown Geologist Helps NASA Find Out

On July 4, scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory will witness
fantastic fireworks when comet Tempel 1 slams into a space probe at
23,000 miles per hour. Brown University professor and NASA mission
member Peter Schultz will help analyze collision data to determine
what's inside this primordial ball of ice.


PROVIDENCE, R.I. - When comet Tempel 1 collides with a NASA space probe
in the early morning hours of July 4, 2005, scientists at the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory expect some holiday sizzle - a brilliant flash and
a dramatic spray of debris.

This cosmic collision will create a crater exposing Tempel 1's interior.
Like all comets, Tempel 1 consists of the frozen remains of material
that formed the solar system. But what, precisely, is this stuff? How is
it put together? Peter Schultz, crater expert, will help find out.

Schultz is a professor of geological sciences at Brown University and a
leading expert in impact cratering, the science of what happens when a
massive, fast-moving cosmic train slams into something. His work helps
explain when and how comets, asteroids and other space travelers shaped
the face of planets such as Earth and Mars, as well as the Moon and
other satellites.

Pete Schultz

Peter Schultz
Professor of Geological Sciences

Schultz, a leading expert in impact cratering, is a partner in the Deep
Impact mission.


Schultz's expertise landed him a spot in the inner scientific circle for
"Deep Impact," the joint space mission coordinated by the Jet Propulsion
Lab and the University of Maryland. Schultz is one of 13
co-investigators overseeing the mission, which will provide a first-ever
look inside a comet when scientists release an impactor into Tempel 1's
path for a planned collision.

"This is heady stuff," Schultz said. "The ice inside comets has been in
the deep freeze since the creation of the solar system. Now we are
finally going to see what this stuff looks like and what it is made of.
This is important information. Comets may have been the messengers that
carried the ingredients of life to Earth."

To prepare for the mission, Schultz ran dozens of experiments at NASA's
Ames Vertical Gun Range in California. Using a machine three stories
tall, Schultz fired marble-size beads into surfaces of dust, ice and
snow. The beads - which travel more than 10 times faster than a speeding
bullet - made craters of all shapes and sizes. Working with different
combinations of ice, snow and dust in various thicknesses, Schultz
recorded the trajectory of flying debris as well as crater size and
speed of formation.

These observations will be important for Deep Impact. Cameras and an
infrared spectrometer aboard an orbiter will record the Tempel 1
collision, relaying images and data during creation of the crater which
can be used to determine the comet's composition.

"We know comets are like dirty snowballs," Schultz said. "But is the
crust thick or thin? Is the interior light or dense? By running these
scenarios, we can make better predictions when the real impact happens.

"Comets were made 4.5 billion years ago, yet remain such mysteries," he
said. "Now we're going to get our closest look at one. That's why this
project is cool."


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