[meteorite-list] AD: Video Footage of our trip to Oman

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Sun Jun 5 17:27:10 EDT 2005

On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 14:13:50 -0700, Michael L Blood <mlblood at cox.net> wrote:

>        Then, the next job you take, kindly refuse parity in wages,
>medical benefits, retirement benefits, any and all holidays off,
>job safety,  insurance against job injury and dismemberment,
>and be prepared to work 12 hour days 6 or 7 days a week to make
>a survival wage. If you are a minority, expect less than half pay and
>to be fired if a white male wants your job - regardless of the quality
>of your work and your tenure. All of these were addressed by unions.
>You should forsake them all.

I live in a "right to work" http://www.nrtw.org/b/rtw_faq.htm state with some of the fewest unions
in the nation.  That means I get to work without forced dues paid to the thugs that run it, without
forced strikes when union workers aren't given 50 paid holidays a year and 25 smoking breaks a day,
withouth having vital services shut down because overpaid whining mobsters don't like it that some
thug was fired for being incompetent.

I would never pay one red cent to a union.

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