[meteorite-list] New Paper on Richat Dome, Mauretania in Geology

Paul H bristolia at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 21 13:19:36 EDT 2005

Guillaume Matton and Michel Jébrak, 2005, 
Resolving the Richat enigma: Doming and 
hydrothermal karstification above an alkaline 
complex. Geology. vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 665–668.


The abstract concluded:

"The circular Richat structure and its breccia 
core thus represent the superficial expression 
of a Cretaceous alkaline complex with an 
exceptionally well preserved hydrothermal 
karst infilling at its summit."

Other web pages:

August GEOLOGY media highlights 
I-Newswire.com,  Press Release, July 19, 2005 

"A model is proposed in which the intrusion 
of an underlying magmatic body resulted in 
the bulging of the overlying crust and 
production of fluids, thus creating a favorable 
setting for the dissolution of sedimentary 
rocks. Formation of voids has led to the 
collapse and brecciation of overlying units. 
Thus, Matton et al. suggest that this unique 
structure had a terrestrial origin, ultimately 
forming from the effects of an intrusion 
originating from Earth's mantle."

Richat Structure in Mauritania 

Astronomy Picture of the Day



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