[meteorite-list] pics: orientated stones

stan . laser_maniac at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 15 16:33:11 EDT 2005

I took these pics for a buddy of mine, figured I'd share them.

These stones were purchased from Serge of cometshop, Bruno and Carine, and 
Aziz Habibi respecitivly

It's a small sikhote but it's one of the best orientated meteorites I have 
ever seen with multiple lip overs and killer flow lines:

This is a new one for me, and it's a whoper - a bit over 6 kgs... and 
PERFECTLY dome shaped! most people would get excited about a great 
orientated stone with flow lines, but this one happens to be a ureilite too! 
:D I'd estimate it's about 30% crusted. It has a flat spot on one part of 
the rim and stands upright perfectly, leaning back just a little to show off 
the apex. At about 10" tall it's one heck of a neat stone:

Last but not least my piece of the new lunar olivine gabro or norite as some 
are calling it:
and finally a close up of the back side of the same lunar showing the 
interesting sturcture of the material. i cant wait to get a window in this 

Many thanks to the dealers who provided these neat specimins!

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