[meteorite-list] Plagerism and Thievery

Impactika at aol.com Impactika at aol.com
Wed Dec 28 23:51:48 EST 2005

Fred Olsen is having problems posting to the List, so he has asked me to  
forward this message:
In a message dated 12/28/2005 9:41:52 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
debfred at att.net writes:
Anne would you forward this to the  List. Thanks, Fred

Greg and List,
Ron jailbird Ferrell continues to amaze! In his latest  catalog he has 
plagiarized your work and paper. Also in the same catalog he is  offering to sell 
Xerox copies of my copyrighted hand colored block print of the  Fall of the 
Ensisheim Thunderstone. 
How is that for unmitigated Gall and Thievery! I have previously notified  
him by registered mail of my intent to protect my copyrighted work. He  
previously said he would not sell them anymore, but here is again. He is a  scourge on 
this planet.

Fred Olsen

Anne M.  Black
IMPACTIKA at aol.com
President, I.M.C.A.  Inc.

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