[meteorite-list] Some sick people!!!

MexicoDoug at aol.com MexicoDoug at aol.com
Wed Apr 27 03:22:01 EDT 2005

Hola Tom,

No way...you mean the Blog deal  will be shutting down Proud Tom both in the 
flesh and quill for good now?   I just checked out the "Blog" thing for the 
first time.  Amazing it seems  to be the dark sided alter-ego of the force 
behind yjr list which by comparison  is an alter-boy (plagerized this term from 
Michael Blood shamelessly), with  mirror updates right up to the minute - pretty 
amazing, no wonder the list has  calmed down.  There seem to be blogs for 
everything on that  site.

"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no  siente."


It  means what you don't know doesn't hurt the emotions.  So stay away from  
there.  I do see the tie-in to the list, though, that you make.  You  think if 
you stop posting, the B-spot will stop mirroring you.  You are  probably 
right, but why not just check over your posts to edit all the personal  and family 
stuff out, and the B-spot would probably move on just as effectively  and you 
wouldn't loose.  My two centavitos.  Dicen que la curiosidad  mató al gato, 
Martin, pero un tiempo yo fui un sospechoso (Steve-wright or  Steve-wrong?) Doug

En un mensaje con fecha 04/27/2005 1:22:42 AM  Mexico Daylight Time, 
mlblood at cox.net escribe:
Hi  Tom,
I saw the blog was utter  trash within 30 minutes of it's inception.
I went back to check it out one  more time - about a week ago - everyone
seemed to be using my name as a  sender, as well as other people I could
tell did not write that way - it is a  well of garbage - cowards that make
the anti hero on DEADWOOD look like an  alter boy.
Unfortunately, leaving  this list will likely not protect your
daughter, you or anyone else from such  scum.
I refuse to even go there to  see what was said. I believe the world
would be a better place if everyone  refused to even check it out.
I do  not, however, see the link between the blog and this  list.
Best wishes,  Michael

on 4/26/05 8:44 PM, Tom Knudson at  peregrineflier at npgcable.com wrote:

> Hey List,  in order to  protect my daughter, I am leaving the list.  Some
> people are so  hateful they have to use my daughter as a subject in the 
> If you  have not seen the Blog and what type of people you buy your
> meteorites  from, you should look to see how disrespectful these people are.
> http://meteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
> I am not going  to stay on the list so people can attack my kid.  I would
> hope the  Blog owner is man (or woman) enough to delete the posts that
> mention my  daughter. They can make fun of me all they want, but dragging my
>  daughter into it,  I take that seriously!!!
> It's a sad world when  you have to leave a place that you absolutely love
> to protect your  kid.  And I will not be coming back, so don't worry, I love
> my kid  to much to ever come back.  And to the blog poster,  God bless  you!
> Thanks, Tom
> peregrineflier <><
>  http://www.frontiernet.net/~peregrineflier/Peregrineflier.htm
>  http://fstop.proboards24.com/
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