[meteorite-list] Best all around meteorite books

meteoriteplaya at comcast.net meteoriteplaya at comcast.net
Tue Apr 26 23:58:29 EDT 2005

Hi Stan & List
Here are the books that are in print that I would recommend everyone have at 
least up to the level they feel comfortable with. These only include the books that are the "Best all around" books for the collector. Of course there are numerous other books that one should have that are out of print.
Some will notice that there are few books missing but I included only the bare 
bones minimum of books.

All levels
Grady "Catalogue of Meteorites" 5th ed


Norton "Rocks from Space" Great introductory text
Zanda " Meteorites their Impact on Science and History" Great picture book

Next Step
Bevan "Meteorites a Journey through Space and Time" Barely makes it to this 
Norton " Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites" Definitely will take you to the 
next level
McSween " Meteorites and Their Parent Planets" Pull out your geology degree


Papike "Planetary Materials" Mineralogy of meteorites.
Hutchison " Meteorites a Petrologic, Chemical and Isotopic Synthesis" Think 
Meteoriticist...well not quite.


If you need any help getting these books let me know as I do sell some of them. If you want more specialized recommendations I would be glad to give those as well.

BTW I'm honored that you would put my little book on your list of must haves. Thanks
Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
website: www.jensenmeteorites.com

> I was curious if anyone would care to share their opinions on the best all 
> around meteorite books - anything from books detailing meteorites such as 
> meteorites A to Z or Kilgore's new thin section book - to more academic 
> works such as 'meteorites and their planet planets' - particularly with 
> specific intrest towards books detailing the classification of meteorites.
> just curious if there is anything out there that I should took to add to my 
> library
> TIA!
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