[meteorite-list] items of interest/sale update -----> my ADDeport(a) tkw 604grams only

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Tue Apr 26 12:42:28 EDT 2005

On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 18:16:48 +0200, "Martin Altmann" <Altmann at Meteorite-Martin.de> wrote:

>Iiiih, how romantic,
>it's because of my poor english, I found in the dictionnary: lute.
>I mean this grey plasticine-like stuff.
>Multiple choice, tell me the right vocable:
>sticky mineral clay (that sounds more suitable for natural born
>Nevertheless the warning is very necessary. Especially those new collectors,
>who collected minerals before and are used to fix their specimens with that
>stuff, have to be warned.
>I posted a warning to the German meteorite list too and got a desperate
>feedback from a collector, who was examining now his collection - and
>several of the specimens, also expensive ones, are ruined!!
>All you can do, is to grind down, the afflicted parts. Imagine to have an
>historical achondrite slice, where you have to grind down 2mm....not so
>nice, is it?

"Putty" is the term that you want to use.  I never heard the term "lute" used for anything other
than the musical instrument, but apparently it does have a second definition as a substance used to
seal joints or porous surfaces (which wouldn't quite fit the meaning that you want):


Anyway, I've been using a kind of putty on some of my larger pieces, but never on cut surfaces.
I've used a small spot of "quake putty" on the fusion crust of larger pieces to hold them in place.
Hopefully it isn't causing harm to the fusion crust:


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