[meteorite-list] Based on a true story?

Sterling K. Webb kelly at bhil.com
Wed Apr 20 00:19:05 EDT 2005


    Historically, this type of meteorite tends to fall more on Haiti than anywhere else (i.e., the
Sammadi iron), although a secondary target area seems to be southern Louisiana, as evidenced by the
Gris Gris chondrite of 1927. The strewn field can usually be located by establishing the central point
of undead activity.
    This variety of meteorite is rarer than other types of movie meteorites which usually contain
aliens of fairly unpleasant habits.  In fact, the reputed fall location in this movie, the American
West small town, is more usually the site of these monster-containing meteorites. But, of course, in
the American Mid-West, meteorites containing super heroes are more common, although stones with
kryptonite inclusions are not unknown there.
    So, was anyone on the List retained as the scientific consultant on this film?  I just hate it when
Hollywood won't make use of real world expertise on cannibalistic zombie meteorites!  Maybe it's
because an expert would have told them that most zombis are not cannibalistic at all.
    It's a real shame we couldn't have had this news back on April 1.  That would have been perfect.

Sterling Webb
Darren Garrison wrote:

> Lots of the references to the term "meteorites" on Google right now are making reference to a movie
> about "A cosmic infection carried by meteorites creates a plague of walking dead hungry for human
> flesh"
> http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d&q=meteorites+infection
> It got me wondering-- is this based on a true story?  Anyone know of any examples of meteorite
> showers causing instances of canabilistic zombism?
> (okay, okay, at least it is meteorite related)
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