[meteorite-list] SA Weenies

Darren Garrison cynapse at charter.net
Tue Apr 19 22:53:58 EDT 2005

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 02:38:40 +0000, joseph_town at att.net wrote:

>You meant to be crude and you continue to do so. You aren't "pretty sure" about anything. Call the lunar team and calm down. I'll bet there aren't any women on that team.

Yes, I can hear the thuds now as the women reading the list faint upon seeing references to a
circumcision in print.  How DARE you sully their delicate sensibilities, Adam!  I DO believe that
you are giving them the vapors!  (Interestingly enough, I didn't know until just now that "The
Vapors" was the name of an old rock group, though I am familiar with their song "Turning Japanese",
the meaning of which I also didn't know until tonight but which I'm sure Joseph would concider more
than a bit too crude for the ladies here) http://www.answers.com/the%20vapors

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