[meteorite-list] 2.5 kg full slice of Muonionalusta

Michael Fowler mqfowler at mac.com
Mon Apr 18 18:34:30 EDT 2005

Hi List,

Some time ago I saw a 2.5 kg full slice of Muonionalusta on ebay for 
$5000 which seemed a little steep since many
smaller slices have sold for about $1 a gram since then.   It didn't 

I'm trying to locate the seller who I thought was Arizona Skies, but I 
emailed John, and it wasn't him.  Anyone know
who offered It?  I'd like to see if they're open to more reasonable 

I bought the 1,947 gram Tata full slice from Arizona Skies and am very 
proud of it.


  A 2,500 gm full slice of Muonionalusta would look very handsome next 
to it!!


Mike Fowler

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